Giving a hearty and healthy response to International Yoga Day by enriching all with good mental and physical health, St. Teresa Convent School, Panchkula has always been in the forefront to ensure the best for the students. To stay healthy and be strong to face the tough
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“A father is neither an anchor to hold us back nor a sail to take us there, but a guiding light whose love shows us the way.” – Father’s Day is a celebration honouring fathers and celebrating fatherhood, parental bonds and the role of fathers in shaping
Read more →The color of love and smiles illuminates the online platform….Can we imagine the world without colours? The world looks beautiful with colours. To recall and register the Primary colours in their mind. St. Teresa Convent School, Panchkula conducted an activity to identify ‘Primary Colours’ for their pre
Read more →Children are innately curious and love exploring everything around them. Their minds are eagerly soaking up and storing information just like little sponges. We at St. Teresa Convent School have been incorporating a lot of open-ended explorations into the Kindergarten students.To develop their understandings and harness their
Read more →“Artistic skills at display”The Kindergarten section of St. Teresa Convent School conducted Paper Folding activity on 7th June, 2021. Children participated in this creative venture with great zeal and high spirits.The tiny tots were amazed to see transformation of a flat sheet square of paper into a
Read more →*“The environment is where we all meet; where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share.”*Keeping this in belief *St. Teresa Convent School* celebrated World Environment Day .On this occasion, students took part in many online activities. They made eco–friendly
Read more →The students of St. Teresa Convent School, celebrated*Armed forces Day* to pay homage to the military personnel. They have made exceptional sacrifices for the nation.Students shared the importance and motive of this day.It has become a tradition to commemorate this day as an honour to thesoldiers, airmen
Read more →“Every milestone on your way while struggling should be celebrated, even if it is as small as just breathing.”#WorldAsthmaDay
Read more →St. Teresa Convent School celebrates World Earth Day!! Students of St Teresa Convent school Panchkula celebrates World Earth Day in a virtual way by painting beautiful messages and highlight the way we can save our environment. Here a few images depicting how creative minds shows their talent
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