Class | Admission Fee | Tuition Fee (monthly) |
PG to V | Rs. 17000 | Rs. 4100 |
VI to VIII | Rs. 23000 | Rs. 4350 |
IX to X | Rs. 23000 | Rs. 4900 |
XI to XII | Rs. 23000 | Rs. 5100 |
Fee Rules
- All Fees are to be deposited Online/ICICI Bank (Sector 25, Panchkula) or at the school counter. The counter will remain open from 10:00 A.m. to 1:00 P.M. on all school working days.
- The fee book must be presented at the time of payment of school fee. Do not remove vouchers.
- Tuition fee is to be paid in monthly installments for all the months. The fee of May & June, Feb & March to be paid together.
- Last day for depositing the Fee is 10th of every month.
- Late fee of Rs 20/- per day will be charged after 10th of due month.
- Cheque returned by the bank for any reasons will be treated as non-payment of fee and Rs 250/ will be charged against this complacency.
- Re-admission procedure will have to be followed, if parent/guardian intends to keep the child in the school.
- Deposit slips are to be filled by the parent/guardian at the time of deposit.
- Fee for all the months will be accepted by local cheque/Bank draft only.
- No circulars/reminders will be sent for the payment of fee.
- If a student fails to pay the school dues for 45 days his /her name will be struck off from the school rolls, however the child will have to be readmitted after seeking approval from the principal.
- Parents should preserve the receipt, to be produced if demanded by the school.
- No applications with regard to remission of fine will be entertained.