Kudos to the Legacy of St. Teresa Convent School for the unflencing success in CBSE Board Examination (2020-21) St. Teresa Convent School(Sr. Sec.), Sec-25 (Panchkula) has registered on upward trend in class XII(2020-21) CBSE board results making excellence a habit. Students have proved their mettle once again by performing brilliantly in class XII examinations with 100% results. This year as in the past, all students emerged with flying colours.The glimpse of the results are—— In the humanities stream, Harman Sharma (96%) bagged the first rank and Tanvi Malik (89.8% ) secured the second rank, and the third rank was secured by Harman Singh (88.2%).In the commerce stream, Simranjeet (90.6%) secured the first rank, Anupria (86.2%) bagged the second rank and Ayushi Narula (83.4%) was placed third.In the Science stream, Navdeep Nagra (92.6%) secured the first rank , Aditya Sharma (89.8%) bagged the second rank and Ashish Nehra (82.4%) won the third rank.Speaking on the role of the school, Tanvi Malik said “The School gave me a platform to hone and refine my potential. It provided me the requisite exposure to not only excel academically, but also to excel at co-curricular activities like debating, Quizzes etc.”Harman Sharma echoed her, and said “My teachers guided me throughout the year. Even when the school was closed, my teachers were just a call away at any hour.” Navdeep Nagra also credited the school for her success saying “The school instilled in me the confidence to believe in myself and my potential. I owe my success to my teachers”. Congratulating the students on their stellar success, the Principal Ms. Shelley Chugh said “The results prove beyond doubt that the school stands head and shoulders above others in quest of its excellence. Congratulations to all.”The Administrator (Mr. Amit Chopra) and Vice- Principal (Ms. Isha Chopra) also extended their congratulations and said “The children have done the whole school proud and proven that trying circumstances can’t defeat the combined will and dedicated effort of students and teachers. I dedicate this success to the school’s never say die attitude in the face of adversity”